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Friday, June 25, 2010

Latest activity

I belong to Powerful Intentions Forums. Yesterday I sent an invitation through that forum for Guest Appearances on my website. One person responded, but today - I can't see my invitaion any more. I wonder what happened to it?. Should I send out another one?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Creative Writing Journal Kit on ebay

I just relisted Kit. If this doesn't seem to be the way to go, I will create a form on the site and ask people to communicate with me that way if they are interested.

Here's the current link to ebay:

(Looks like the ability create a link here doesn't work! You will have to copy/paste to get there from here...)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Where am I now?

Just put up another page about how sometimes the journal is like a scrapbook. I like including extra pictures and stickers in my journal because it looks more interesting later on. I also strongly feel that it changes the vibration or the tone of each page. A full page of handwritten text is really boring to look at. Adding some spice with little embellishments is much more interesting.

Not sure what the next topic is yet...maybe it's not a topic but replacing all my references to books with the Amazon link to them.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Creative Journal Writing kit - has been launched to ebay

I received the final printing of the Direction booklet for the journal kit on Saturday, 6/5. I put the finished product up on ebay on Sunday and announced it in several places. I did the final annoucement to facebook yesterday. Here is the ebay link:

Next step is to create a single page to refer to the ebay link because each time I 'renew' it on ebay, I'll need to change the link. That would be too many page changes to maintain.

Eventually, I'll add a paypal cart to my website and eliminate ebay. For now, ebay is the way I'm going until a few kits are sold.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Clearing the cobwebs

May was an unusually busy month of NOT writing. There was a lot ofstuff that got done, just no new pages - that's terrible.

So, with renewed Prolific Writer status, I begin June.
What I did do last month for the website is join the Hay House Affiliates group and I have put ads on some of my pages. I feel, for now, that I will have more ocntrol over ads, as I can choose ads from their selection myself. This may be a better option for me than Adsense. We shall see!!!!!

I tried to put the link in, but I had a problem with that...See the link on my HOME page at the bottom.

Also, my order for the Journal Writing instruction booklets should arrive today or tomorrow, so then I'll be in set up mode for eBay with that...but I do want to put up a new page before the day is out TODAY