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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Can you entertain yourself?

Some games are fun to play by yourself. Maybe you can devise a way to do the following games in a group or with another person, but when no one else is available, you can play by yourself.

1. Find coins. Set your intention on finding pennies.
When this becomes so obviously easy that you are seeing them everywhere, move up to nickels, then dimes and quarters.
These you will find on the ground.
The next step is to find dollar bills. You may find some on the ground also, but now you want to set your intention higher and find them in other places ($’s off coupons, in birthday cards, in pants pockets, etc).
The next step is to set a desired amount to manifest.
Start with $10, and when this is easy, move up to $25, then in $25 increments.
Soon you will be manifesting $100’s, and it won’t be difficult at all.

2. This game I made up after hearing the song I’m already there by Lonestar:

Im already there
Take a look around
Im the sunshine in your hair
Im the shadow on the ground
Im the whisper in the wind
Im your imaginary friend
And I know Im in your prayers

Oh Im already there

Here’s the gist of the game: Get out your dream, your desire, your passion, your object of creation – whatever you want to call it.
Dust it off and imagine IT as the love of your life that you are singing to. Now imagine IT’S already here. Take a look around, what do I see?
Describe it a little. What do you see in your imagination when you picture this thing already in your reality? How do you feel?

I feel like I’m so close to IT that it’s my sunshine, my shadow, my whisper on the wind, my friend, the prayer on my lips. IT and I are that close. IT’S already here and I’m already there with IT!

How good does that feel?

3. The Board Room game. I can’t take credit for inventing this one, but I don’t remember where I found it either.
This is all done in your vivid imagination.
Create a board room with a table and chairs.
Invite in some representatives.
These should be people that you feel will have something informative to say to you about your current creation. They can be people who are alive today, or people from history.
Consciously invite each one into the Board Room and watch them take their places.
Explain why you invited each one in particular.
Explain what you would like their advice on and why.
Imagine their responses.
Listen closely. Take some notes. These pieces of advice will be very valuable to you later on. Close the meeting by thanking each one and watch them exit.
Congratulate yourself for forming the perfect team to address your topic.
Now you can leave the Board Room also.

You have in your possession some wisdom from each one of these people that you can use in relation to your life and your current reality.
This is AWESOME! Where else would you get advice from the likes of Nelson Mandela, Donald Trump or Mark Twain?