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Friday, November 19, 2010

Future Wonders or Wonder Forward

Here’s one of my current wonders about my future.

I wonder about…retirement. I have options. Will I continue to live in Connecticut? I could move South. I could be a snowbird and travel between here and there. Should I do it now or wait? I don’t mind working here. I have friends and I have access to so many resources. I am looking forward to doing what I want to do. I could sleep late and stay up late. I could join a health club and exercise there. The possibilities are endless. I could write more. I could make new friends. What will my life be like then? I wonder….

Can I plan to wonder? Probably, why not? Maybe instead of, or in addition to, meditation time, I’ll create wonder time. Just turn my mind lose and see what happens. I’ll report back when something WONDER-FUL happens as a result!

To wonder productively, remember to keep an open mind. Don’t jump to conclusions. Steer clear of negative thoughts, because then you’re worrying.

Wonder-up some stuff of your own. Of course there’s a process!

The process is called Wouldn’t It Be Nice If:
(get the pen or pencil and paper or journal page)

Write your topic that you want to wonder about at the top.
Under that write “Wouldn’t it be nice if:”

Write down all the best things that could possibly happen in relation to this topic. No matter how outrageous they may be. If fact the wilder they are, the better because you don’t want to limit yourself or the Universe here.

Wonder freely…
Record your Wondering in a Creative Journal: