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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Amazing Opportunity!

Amazing opportunity...this is what we used to call, in my prior days with a born-again community...a real bummer!
I just spent about 6 weeks creating my Creative Journal Writing Kit directions booklet in software that doesn't seem to work. At least not yet. I have an ABP out to their support people now.
It's supposed to work like this: You edit your text, you get great pictures, you proof read, edit, proof read, edit, get more, better pictures, juggle the text and pics again, proof read, edit some more, etc, until you can see it in your sleep...then you "upload" it to their site where they will publish it for you.
Well, the UPLOAD part isn't working!!!!!
I tried all their tips & techniques and it still won't work. I outlined all that in my email to their tech support. And I offered to put it all on portable media and snail mail it to them.
That was last night. I'm waiting for a reply. Maybe they have a magic solution up their sleeve that they only tell the Very Frustrated about...
Anyhow, this is an AMAZING OPPORTUNITY to see how the Universe will work this one out to my advantage, because it will happen. I know...All will be well again I know!