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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Law of Attraction Games

Maybe you call them processes. These games will have lasting consequences if you choose that outcome. The lasting affects will be a lift in the way you feel (your vibe) and a releasing of resistance.

Here’s a thought: You could become addicted to these game and people will congratulate you. Why? Because the good vibes they generate for you will reach out and influence others. You just can’t feel good inside without it showing outside.

Play more. Have fun. Let it show.

If you have been following Law of Attraction for a while, I know you know about the money game where you give yourself an ever increasing imaginary amount of money every day and then you have to spend it. It’s fun and it works. I encourage you to play it often.

There are many more games like that. All of them are fun and all of them will help you release resistance and clear the path for focusing positive energy on what you want. Let’s look at some others.

Do you play well with others?

Some things are much more fun when you do them with other people who understand where you’re coming from. You’ll get a big boost to your vibe when you see and hear the participation of others. Here are 3 games you can play with others:

*Name 3 good things in your life right now. Set the WOW factor really high by using expansive words.

*Toasting. What’s happening in your life worthy of a toast? Be as eloquent as you can. Think Academy Awards Introductions, or imitate those silly Celebrity Roasts if it suits you. This doesn’t have to be done with alcohol! Make fancy drinks with fruit juice, or hot beverages with tea or cocoa.

*Chutes and ladders (LoA style). Use the actual board game. This kiddie’s game lends itself well to a Law of Attraction element. When you land on a chute, you must identify an uplifting positive thought that will get you ready to climb again. When you land on a ladder, you must state some appreciative thoughts that allowed you to rise up the ladder.

Coming next – Game you can play alone.