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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Don't Forget to Wonder

It’s my personal opinion that time spent just sifting through possibilities is very productive. Here’s why:

Wonder is the opposite of worry.
What’s really going on in there when my mind is just drifting with no real purpose? I’m sure there are studies about brain wave activity that would tell me if I looked for them. To me it feels light and free-floating. No pressure, no stress, definitely not worrying.

Wonder is an opportunity for insight.
When I'm drifting like that, I’ve had times when a sudden thought will just zing in there like an arrow out of the blue. I didn’t think it on purpose, but there it is right in front of me - A NEW THOUGHT – wow!

The last time it happened, the thought was…I can be pre-creative.
Here’s what I mean by that: These 2 things I already know:
1. I create my own reality.
2. Time is a relative construct (I’m not going into detail on this thought now. If it’s unfamiliar to you, please Google it.)

So, it’s possible for me to pre-create solutions for myself BEFORE I need them. Like a library book on a shelf. The solution can be already there before the problem arises. I’m working with this now, but I’ve already had a couple of neat experiences. I’ll write about those later.
Being "pre-creative" is probably not a new thought, but it’s new to me and I’m having fun with it.

Wonder will prompt an answer to my questions about almost anything.
This is something else I’ve experienced. My mind is just idling along, and I think of some question, like …why is such & such happening? I’ll usually get an answer. Not life-changing, but it’s interesting enough to please me.

Here’s an example of that. A few weeks ago, the members of my group started to talk about creating a trip to Hawaii that would include all of us. Sounds like fun. The next day I started seeing Hawaiian things like clothes, recipes, magazine articles. Then that was it. Hawaii stopped showing up for me.

When I wondered why, I got the answer. Here is is: The extent to which I was really invested in the idea of taking this trip was already exhausted.

I have to agree. It was a fun idea, but I wasn't committed to it.

There you go – kind of an inconsequential question, but Wonder produced an honorable answer.