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Monday, April 12, 2010


What a mind tipper? It fills up the mind with ideas until it can’t hold any more, then tips and spills into a writing whammy that’s insightful, pertinent and great to read.

Picture “I’m a Little Teapot”. (I got that analogy from my friend on Saturday. She “gets me”.) Anyhow, in the image, I’m the teapot being filled up with ideas until I reach the tipping point, when I pour out everything that’s in there.

I had a Mind Tipper experience last week. I’m in the last phases of creating my Creative Journal Writing Kit – as described here. I’m in the planning stages of it’s launch. This launch will be the culmination of many, many steps that I’ve completed along the way from IDEA to PRODUCT.

It occurred to me that when I launch, there are going to be a lot of people who totally do not know the side of me that has been into Law of Attraction for years, never mind what I’ve been up to regarding the whole Law of Attraction Lifestyles website & blog. It’s going to be like coming out of the new age closet.

So the Mind Tipper out-pouring had to do with announcing my coming out. All day I had been casting about, trying to build some momentum for the next topic to write about, but nothing was catching hold. Then I just filled up with the Coming Out idea, and within half an hour, I had that completely written.

That’s a Mind Tipper.

Latest on kit creation

My status last week was that my friend was coming over to take more pictures for the booklet I need to include in my Creative Journal Writing kit .

That happened and it went very well. We created enough shots to illustrate the pages that needed pics. Plus few goofy looking ones that were the result of having fun, so that's good too. I believe I never can have too much fun.

My next steps will be to find the "permission" I got from the Abraham-Hicks people to use quotes from their material. I need to include that in the booklet.

Then send off an order for 1 hard copy so I can physically look at it and feel it in my hands.

That's it for kit creation status.

I'll be doing an entry next on my latest discovery about writing...I plan on doing this TODAY!