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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Useful button

I found a very useful way of adding content from a Click! button. I can reuse the same graphic and it just makes life a little easier. Here's and example:

I used it to send people to the "Interviews Page" and I'm going to use it now to send people to a very interesting blog entry that will hang nicely with "Don't Shoot Yourself in the Foot"

Very useful little item!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Showing up

Doing what I'm doing...being what I'm being. I intend to show up and let the Universe do the heavy lifting.
From Abraham a few days ago: Overwhelmment means I'm not up to speed with my desire. So...Not scaling back my desire means allowing almost everything to be done for me. And who will do it all? Any human resources needed will have to be scheduled by the Universe to also show up when needed.
That's it...I'm taking an EASY day today. But I'm still showing up...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Non-reply-able email

I really dislike email sent from an automated mailer where there is no way for me to reply. I don't do much ranting here or anywhere, but come on, if the sender "cares so deeply" about me, why wouldn't they want to here from me? It just leaves me cold. Not the way to build good customer relations, if you ask me. Which, obviously they have NOT!

This seems like the cyber version of the automated phone call, or the Customer Service line that keeps me on hold for half an hour (or more) before a live person talks to me.

I may not have a big "following" yet, but I hope that when I send out an email there will be SOMEONE (me or another person) with the ability to recieve a reply and respond to it consciously.

What's the best possible thought I have available to me right now on this subject? It lets me know how I DO want to run my site/blog/online business...whatever it is that I end up with where anyone might want to respond to me.

Thank you very much...

Thursday, July 1, 2010


My friend, Lynn said that at our Solstice Bonfire on 6/21. We spent some time anticipating upcoming events in July. Well, JULY is here! While making room for ANYTHING to happen, I'm also anticipating:
1 - Perfect new tenants to occupy my vacant apartment.
2 - Choosing JOY over Overwhelment whenever I start to get that "too much to do" feeling.
3 - Relaxing and enjoying the summer.
4 - Tasting a Mint Julep.
5 - Going to picnics and barbeques.