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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Remember to Wonder

Sometimes I have to remember to wonder instead of worry. This is frustrating because I know the benefits of wondering, not worrying, but I get sucked into worry very easily.

An organization whose writing I like to follow is The Field Center. They used to have a blog called Realities. They don't publish that any more, sorry to say. I miss it. In one old blog entry, the writer talkes about health and how we always think there is something wrong with the body if it has a temp or some aches & pains. He's saying we always think the worst when that’s hardly ever the case. Maybe something is right - not wrong. The body knows how to take care of itself. Don’t jump to the worst possible scenario.

Here's the quote in a piece called The Meanings of Life (22 February, 2010):
“…we seem eager to identify with problems. The mind would rather connect the dots of meaning to draw a picture that we don’t want than sit quietly without conclusions in the thin air of uncertainty.”

I like this phrase “the thin air of uncertainty”. Uncertainy affirms the fact that there is something I don’t know or understand - YET. Conversations With God uses a similar phrase: There may be something that I do not know now, the knowing of which may change everything.

The fact remains – I fall for it all the time. Some situation bubbles into my awareness, and I DON’T keep an open mind, I DON’T even stop to weigh alternatives. I just jump right into the negative bushes. Totally off the track of any possibility of being in the vibrational range of pleasant circumstances happening.

I would like to be so in tune with the Universe that I don’t jump to dark conclusions. I would like to allow my mind the freedom to wonder about a topic instead of jumping to conclusions. Wonder gets me closer to a fuller understanding of the situation. Wonder is productive.

The fact is, I really don’t know very much. Here are two big areas where I really don’t know anything:

1. I hardly ever know what’s going on inside my body. My doctor discovered the beginnings of high blood pressure. I never felt a thing! No one does who has this condition. There are many things going on in the body all the time that we’re totally unaware of. Most of that stuff is HEALTHY. It’s not an indication of disease, necessarily. It IS an indication to pay attention to my body more!

2. I can never really know anyone else’s thoughts and motivations. I can only observe the person’s outward actions and infer from that what I think they must be thinking. How many times do I draw the wrong conclusions about someone else? Lots!

The phrase, “What were you thinking?” is really only ever a question for myself. And sometimes that’s cloudy, too. Sometimes I’m in the Muddy Waters of Thought. Quagmired in a totally unproductive state.


Friday, November 19, 2010

Future Wonders or Wonder Forward

Here’s one of my current wonders about my future.

I wonder about…retirement. I have options. Will I continue to live in Connecticut? I could move South. I could be a snowbird and travel between here and there. Should I do it now or wait? I don’t mind working here. I have friends and I have access to so many resources. I am looking forward to doing what I want to do. I could sleep late and stay up late. I could join a health club and exercise there. The possibilities are endless. I could write more. I could make new friends. What will my life be like then? I wonder….

Can I plan to wonder? Probably, why not? Maybe instead of, or in addition to, meditation time, I’ll create wonder time. Just turn my mind lose and see what happens. I’ll report back when something WONDER-FUL happens as a result!

To wonder productively, remember to keep an open mind. Don’t jump to conclusions. Steer clear of negative thoughts, because then you’re worrying.

Wonder-up some stuff of your own. Of course there’s a process!

The process is called Wouldn’t It Be Nice If:
(get the pen or pencil and paper or journal page)

Write your topic that you want to wonder about at the top.
Under that write “Wouldn’t it be nice if:”

Write down all the best things that could possibly happen in relation to this topic. No matter how outrageous they may be. If fact the wilder they are, the better because you don’t want to limit yourself or the Universe here.

Wonder freely…
Record your Wondering in a Creative Journal:

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Can you entertain yourself?

Some games are fun to play by yourself. Maybe you can devise a way to do the following games in a group or with another person, but when no one else is available, you can play by yourself.

1. Find coins. Set your intention on finding pennies.
When this becomes so obviously easy that you are seeing them everywhere, move up to nickels, then dimes and quarters.
These you will find on the ground.
The next step is to find dollar bills. You may find some on the ground also, but now you want to set your intention higher and find them in other places ($’s off coupons, in birthday cards, in pants pockets, etc).
The next step is to set a desired amount to manifest.
Start with $10, and when this is easy, move up to $25, then in $25 increments.
Soon you will be manifesting $100’s, and it won’t be difficult at all.

2. This game I made up after hearing the song I’m already there by Lonestar:

Im already there
Take a look around
Im the sunshine in your hair
Im the shadow on the ground
Im the whisper in the wind
Im your imaginary friend
And I know Im in your prayers

Oh Im already there

Here’s the gist of the game: Get out your dream, your desire, your passion, your object of creation – whatever you want to call it.
Dust it off and imagine IT as the love of your life that you are singing to. Now imagine IT’S already here. Take a look around, what do I see?
Describe it a little. What do you see in your imagination when you picture this thing already in your reality? How do you feel?

I feel like I’m so close to IT that it’s my sunshine, my shadow, my whisper on the wind, my friend, the prayer on my lips. IT and I are that close. IT’S already here and I’m already there with IT!

How good does that feel?

3. The Board Room game. I can’t take credit for inventing this one, but I don’t remember where I found it either.
This is all done in your vivid imagination.
Create a board room with a table and chairs.
Invite in some representatives.
These should be people that you feel will have something informative to say to you about your current creation. They can be people who are alive today, or people from history.
Consciously invite each one into the Board Room and watch them take their places.
Explain why you invited each one in particular.
Explain what you would like their advice on and why.
Imagine their responses.
Listen closely. Take some notes. These pieces of advice will be very valuable to you later on. Close the meeting by thanking each one and watch them exit.
Congratulate yourself for forming the perfect team to address your topic.
Now you can leave the Board Room also.

You have in your possession some wisdom from each one of these people that you can use in relation to your life and your current reality.
This is AWESOME! Where else would you get advice from the likes of Nelson Mandela, Donald Trump or Mark Twain?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Law of Attraction Games

Maybe you call them processes. These games will have lasting consequences if you choose that outcome. The lasting affects will be a lift in the way you feel (your vibe) and a releasing of resistance.

Here’s a thought: You could become addicted to these game and people will congratulate you. Why? Because the good vibes they generate for you will reach out and influence others. You just can’t feel good inside without it showing outside.

Play more. Have fun. Let it show.

If you have been following Law of Attraction for a while, I know you know about the money game where you give yourself an ever increasing imaginary amount of money every day and then you have to spend it. It’s fun and it works. I encourage you to play it often.

There are many more games like that. All of them are fun and all of them will help you release resistance and clear the path for focusing positive energy on what you want. Let’s look at some others.

Do you play well with others?

Some things are much more fun when you do them with other people who understand where you’re coming from. You’ll get a big boost to your vibe when you see and hear the participation of others. Here are 3 games you can play with others:

*Name 3 good things in your life right now. Set the WOW factor really high by using expansive words.

*Toasting. What’s happening in your life worthy of a toast? Be as eloquent as you can. Think Academy Awards Introductions, or imitate those silly Celebrity Roasts if it suits you. This doesn’t have to be done with alcohol! Make fancy drinks with fruit juice, or hot beverages with tea or cocoa.

*Chutes and ladders (LoA style). Use the actual board game. This kiddie’s game lends itself well to a Law of Attraction element. When you land on a chute, you must identify an uplifting positive thought that will get you ready to climb again. When you land on a ladder, you must state some appreciative thoughts that allowed you to rise up the ladder.

Coming next – Game you can play alone.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Don't Forget to Wonder

It’s my personal opinion that time spent just sifting through possibilities is very productive. Here’s why:

Wonder is the opposite of worry.
What’s really going on in there when my mind is just drifting with no real purpose? I’m sure there are studies about brain wave activity that would tell me if I looked for them. To me it feels light and free-floating. No pressure, no stress, definitely not worrying.

Wonder is an opportunity for insight.
When I'm drifting like that, I’ve had times when a sudden thought will just zing in there like an arrow out of the blue. I didn’t think it on purpose, but there it is right in front of me - A NEW THOUGHT – wow!

The last time it happened, the thought was…I can be pre-creative.
Here’s what I mean by that: These 2 things I already know:
1. I create my own reality.
2. Time is a relative construct (I’m not going into detail on this thought now. If it’s unfamiliar to you, please Google it.)

So, it’s possible for me to pre-create solutions for myself BEFORE I need them. Like a library book on a shelf. The solution can be already there before the problem arises. I’m working with this now, but I’ve already had a couple of neat experiences. I’ll write about those later.
Being "pre-creative" is probably not a new thought, but it’s new to me and I’m having fun with it.

Wonder will prompt an answer to my questions about almost anything.
This is something else I’ve experienced. My mind is just idling along, and I think of some question, like …why is such & such happening? I’ll usually get an answer. Not life-changing, but it’s interesting enough to please me.

Here’s an example of that. A few weeks ago, the members of my group started to talk about creating a trip to Hawaii that would include all of us. Sounds like fun. The next day I started seeing Hawaiian things like clothes, recipes, magazine articles. Then that was it. Hawaii stopped showing up for me.

When I wondered why, I got the answer. Here is is: The extent to which I was really invested in the idea of taking this trip was already exhausted.

I have to agree. It was a fun idea, but I wasn't committed to it.

There you go – kind of an inconsequential question, but Wonder produced an honorable answer.