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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Remember to Wonder

Sometimes I have to remember to wonder instead of worry. This is frustrating because I know the benefits of wondering, not worrying, but I get sucked into worry very easily.

An organization whose writing I like to follow is The Field Center. They used to have a blog called Realities. They don't publish that any more, sorry to say. I miss it. In one old blog entry, the writer talkes about health and how we always think there is something wrong with the body if it has a temp or some aches & pains. He's saying we always think the worst when that’s hardly ever the case. Maybe something is right - not wrong. The body knows how to take care of itself. Don’t jump to the worst possible scenario.

Here's the quote in a piece called The Meanings of Life (22 February, 2010):
“…we seem eager to identify with problems. The mind would rather connect the dots of meaning to draw a picture that we don’t want than sit quietly without conclusions in the thin air of uncertainty.”

I like this phrase “the thin air of uncertainty”. Uncertainy affirms the fact that there is something I don’t know or understand - YET. Conversations With God uses a similar phrase: There may be something that I do not know now, the knowing of which may change everything.

The fact remains – I fall for it all the time. Some situation bubbles into my awareness, and I DON’T keep an open mind, I DON’T even stop to weigh alternatives. I just jump right into the negative bushes. Totally off the track of any possibility of being in the vibrational range of pleasant circumstances happening.

I would like to be so in tune with the Universe that I don’t jump to dark conclusions. I would like to allow my mind the freedom to wonder about a topic instead of jumping to conclusions. Wonder gets me closer to a fuller understanding of the situation. Wonder is productive.

The fact is, I really don’t know very much. Here are two big areas where I really don’t know anything:

1. I hardly ever know what’s going on inside my body. My doctor discovered the beginnings of high blood pressure. I never felt a thing! No one does who has this condition. There are many things going on in the body all the time that we’re totally unaware of. Most of that stuff is HEALTHY. It’s not an indication of disease, necessarily. It IS an indication to pay attention to my body more!

2. I can never really know anyone else’s thoughts and motivations. I can only observe the person’s outward actions and infer from that what I think they must be thinking. How many times do I draw the wrong conclusions about someone else? Lots!

The phrase, “What were you thinking?” is really only ever a question for myself. And sometimes that’s cloudy, too. Sometimes I’m in the Muddy Waters of Thought. Quagmired in a totally unproductive state.



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  2. Thank you for the post! I will try to add this to my personal lifestyle. Do you have some other tips to help "not worry" so much?

    - Maxx @
